Hari Abburi
Hari Abburi is a leading global thought leader on agility and strategy. He is an internationally recognized global executive and consultant to Fortune 500 firms, mid-size enterprises and start-ups. Through his firm, The Preparation Company, he helps CEOs, Chief Transformation Officers, Chief Digital Officers and Chief HR Officers and their teams develop strategies to change faster than the industry curve. He is a board advisor to start-ups in US and Europe. His industry experience that spans 55+ countries is focused on M&As, Integrations, Start-Ups and Transformations includes executive roles with Hoerbiger, Aon Hewitt, Walmart JV, Baxter, Coca-Cola, GE and Andersen He is a member of the Los Angeles Business Journals Leadership Trust, Forbes HR Council, Fast Company Executive Board and an instructor for Caltech Future Skills Academy.