Rasmus Hougaard
Rasmus is a deep thinker. He believes in the vast potential of the human mind, and strives to help organizations become more mindful, resilient and happy. Rasmus is a world-leading expert on the mental side of leadership.
Rasmus Hougaard is the Founder and Managing Director of Potential Project, a global leadership training, organizational development and research firm, helping leaders and organizations enhance performance, innovation and resilience.
His radical views on the key qualities of the leaders of the future, got him recognized by the Thinkers50 as one of the most important emerging business thinkers and leaders in the world. He has partnered with leading organizations like Harvard Business Review and Accenture, to launch Mind Assessment tools and other humane interventions.
He is the author of “One Second Ahead” as well as “The Mind of the Leader”, a bestseller published by Harvard Business Review. In addition, he writes for Harvard Business Review and Forbes and lectures at the world’s leading business and executive education schools like IMD, Rotman and IESE.
Rasmus is often described as an authentic and kind person. He has led more than 1,500 keynotes and workshops and is recognized as the leading global authority on training the mind to be focused, effective and clear for great leadership, performance, innovation and resilience.
Rasmus’ most recent book “The Mind of the Leader – How to Lead Yourself, Your People and Organization for Extraordinary Results”, published by Harvard Business Review is based on research on 35,000 leaders and executives and provides a pathway to great leadership in the 21st century. It is one of the fastest selling books from HBR in years.
His first book “One Second Ahead – Enhancing Your Performance at Work with Mindfulness” is a performance bible in organizations like Accenture, LEGO and many more. Rasmus has a background in organizational development and research as well as a leadership career in Sony Corporation. He lives in Copenhagen and New York with his wife and three teenagers.